$200.0亿 ≈3.87万 BTC
Rank: No.14
24h Vol Update:2024-03-12 13:32:44
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Spot / Futures / Fiat Currency / 模拟
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Basic information
CN Name Bitget交易所 English name Bitget
Other names Bitget Platform Coin
Live Chat Support
Support Email support@bitget.com
Company Behind Bitget
Social Accounts
Service Charge
Spot/Crypto Trading Fees 0.2% - 0.2%
Futures/Contract Trading Fees 0.04% - 0.06%
Leveraged Loan Fee
C2C/Fiat Trading Fees
VIP fee 使用BFT支付交易手续费优惠30%
See for more rates. https://www.bitget.io/zh-CN/rate?tab=1
Comprehensive Introduction

Bitget exchange charges a standard trading fee of 0.2%, with a 30% discount on trading fees when using BFT payment. Bitget exchange is a leading global community-governed digital asset trading platform. Bitget is part of the digital financial brand bitget Group, committed to providing the safest and highest quality digital asset trading, management, and financial services for global users. It currently supports a wealth of digital asset management, spot trading, OTC trading, and financial services, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. In 2018, it received investment from top investment institutions and quickly became one of the fastest-growing, fastest-growing, and best-experienced trading platforms.

Bitget Exchange Brand Meaning

The brand name bitget has two sets of meanings and one set of design implications. Bit is our respect for the worlds first digital asset, bitcoin, representing the origin of digital assets. Get represents our original intention and mission to help users conveniently acquire digital assets. The graphic design of b and g symbolizes the "transaction and connection" value of the platform as a token economic infrastructure.

Bitget Exchange Platform Coin

BFT (Bitget DeFi Token) runs through the entire Bitget ecosystem, serving as the token for Bitget financial services and the public chain token for Bitget DeFi Chain. It aims to support users in better using Bitgets DeFi services, to achieve full trading freedom, and to gain the opportunity to grow with the platform. BFT has flexible and diverse application scenarios and a comprehensive and rich ecological layout.

Bitget Exchange Features

Experienced Digital Finance Genes

Digital asset financial innovation is our winning gene. Bitget brings together investment experts, risk control experts, and investment research experts with a strong financial background. Its core financial team has an average experience of over 10 years in the industry, with a unique digital asset financial evaluation, risk control management, and operation system.

Global Digital Asset Operations

Based on a new generation of digital asset trading platforms, Bitget Exchange provides users with a global wealth of digital asset trading services, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and a wealth of digital assets. Meanwhile, Bitget will also provide users with innovative digital asset value management and financial value-added services.

Top Digital Technology Engine

Bitget Exchange has a first-rate, diversified R&D team in the field of digital finance, and its triangular R&D system composed of "finance + technology + security" has supported the creation of the unique Bitget FTS blockchain technology-driven engine in the digital asset field. While providing users with top-notch technology and product experiences, Bitget has become one of the few companies in the industry driven by blockchain technology and digital asset financial innovation.

Bitget Global Strategy Map

Bitget always adheres to conducting business in various countries and regions, under the premise of legality and compliance, expanding its international strategic map, and achieving global compliance operations. Bitget is committed to becoming a benchmark platform for global compliance operations in the industry, providing the most compliant, secure, and professional digital currency trading services for global users.

US MSB License

Money Services Business

Regulatory Authority

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the US Department of the Treasury

Canadian MSB License

Money Services Business

Regulatory Authority

Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)

Australian DCE License

Digital Currency Exchange Service Provider

Regulatory Authority

Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)

Singapore Digital Currency Payment Service Exemption

Exemption Under Payment Services Act

Regulatory Authority

Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)

Development History
2021-12-31In response to the change of local regulatory policies in Chinese mainland, Bitget Exchange completed the removal of existing users in Chinese mainland on December 31st, 2021 (UTC+8). From now on, Bitget will no longer provide access rights for users in Chinese mainland, and all IP registered in this area will be permanently locked.