$11.15亿 ≈2157.5 BTC
Rank: No.41
24h Vol Update:2024-03-12 13:35:07
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Spot / Fiat Currency
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Basic information
CN Name Bitkub交易所 English name Bitkub
Other names Bitkub Platform Coin
Live Chat Support
Support Email support@bitkub.com
Company Behind Bitkub Online Co. Ltd
Social Accounts
Service Charge
Spot/Crypto Trading Fees 0.25% - 0.25%
Futures/Contract Trading Fees 0.0% - 0.0%
Leveraged Loan Fee
C2C/Fiat Trading Fees
VIP fee 暂无
See for more rates. https://www.bitkub.com/fee/cryptocurrency
Comprehensive Introduction

Bitkub Exchange charges a 0.25% trading fee. Founded in February 2018, Bitkub is one of the few exchanges in Thailand officially authorized and licensed by the government. Bitkub provides exceptional services for a new breed of cryptocurrency and digital asset exchange, allowing everyone to buy, sell and store their Kratocenees. We are a legitimate company with a registered capital of 50 million THB, headquartered in Bangkok.

Why Choose BITKUB

50 Million THB Registered Capital

We are a legally registered company with a registered capital of 50 million THB.

24/7 Support

Our friendly and reliable customer support is available for you 24/7.

Referral Program

Refer your friends to our cryptocurrency exchange! Referrers receive 60% commission and referees receive 40% cashback.

Strong Security

We are protected against DDoS attacks. We store most of our digital assets in offline storage.

Robust Trading

Our trading engine is custom-built for speed and scalability. Our API also supports a wide range of third-party projects.

Multi-device Friendly

Buy Bitcoin conveniently! Enjoy a user-friendly interface across multiple devices and operating systems.

Development History