$0.00466 +4.57%
Glob. Mkt Cap Rank: Unranked
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Basic information
Full Currency Name /POT
Currency Code POT
Coin Intro "PotCoin, abbreviated as POT, has a total supply of 420 million POT.
PotCoin is the first digital currency built to facilitate the legalization of cannabis industry transactions, and it is a decentralized, self-governing community participation model. PotCoin is primarily an authorization model that promotes the legalization of cannabis transactions by providing the cannabis industry with a secure and unique cryptocurrency, encouraging consumers to purchase without cash transactions. From all aspects of the cannabis industry, users and supporters can obtain reliable services through Potcoin, making this market more stable and secure.
The current price of POT is $0.016089, and its 24-hour trading volume is not available. POT has not changed in the past 24 hours. Its market capitalization is not available. Its total circulating supply is 228.54 million POT, and its total issuance is 420 million POT."
Issue Date 1390262400000
All-Time High $0.508288
All-Time Low $0.00033017624
Total Supply 420000000
Circulating Supply 228540129.3013
Circulating Supply Percentage 0.5441431650030952
Market Cap NaN
Fully Diluted Market Cap $3.8307635714285716e-11
Mkt Cap (Float) $
Circulating Market Cap % of Global Total
Listed on Exchanges 1
Official Link http://www.potcoin.com/
Whitepaper https://www.potcoin.com/images/blog-images/PotCoin-4.20.2016.pdf
Blockchain Explorer "https://chainz.cryptoid.info/pot/", "https://chain.potcoin.com/"
Telegram "https://t.me/potcoin420"
Github https://github.com/potcoin/potcoin
Twitter https://twitter.com/potcoin
FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/potcoin
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/potcoin
Currency Introduction

PotCoin is the first digital currency built to promote the legalization of cannabis industry transactions, a decentralized autonomous community-participatory model. PotCoin is mainly an authorization model that promotes the legalization of cannabis transactions by providing a safe and unique cryptocurrency to the cannabis industry, eliminating cash transactions to encourage consumer purchases. From all aspects of the cannabis industry, users and supporters can get reliable services through Potcoin and make this market more stable and secure.



Project Highlights


Many businesses in the industry only accept cash, leaving their revenue at risk of seizure or theft. It also forces customers to carry cash to transact with you, putting your customers at risk. PotCoin is digital and decentralized, so funds can be transferred seamlessly from your customers digital wallet to yours, ensuring the safety of you and your customers.

Unlike credit card payments that can take days to settle into your account, PotCoin payments are accepted and settled instantly in seconds. This ensures that you can use free "cash" flow when you need it, rather than when they think you should have it.

Low Fees
If your business somehow manages to get credit card processing, you may incur high fees. Accepting PotCoin will cost you less than 1% compared to the 6-10% you spend accepting credit cards.

No Chargebacks
PotCoin has no chargebacks because its a digital currency. Any confirmed transaction using PotCoin is protected by the network, so it cannot be reversed. This effectively protects merchants from fraud compared to standard payment methods, saving your business 2-10% of revenue.

You dont need to deal with exchange rates because PotCoin is a global currency, so you can expand into new regions without having to set up multiple accounts for each currency.

New Audience
Accepting PotCoin means you are talking to an audience that owns the coin so they can use it with businesses like yours. This is the most targeted customer any business can ask for.



Application Scenarios


PotCoins are transferred directly between people over the network, without going through a bank or clearing house. This means much lower fees, you can use them in every country, and your account cant be frozen. Sending PotCoin is as simple as sending an email, you can buy anything with PotCoins.

PotCoin is stored in a digital wallet on your computer or mobile device. The PotCoin network is secured by thousands of computers using the most advanced encryption technology. Anyone can join the PotCoin network, the software is completely open source, so anyone can see the code.

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Development History