$9.24亿 ≈1788.82 BTC
Rank: No.45
24h Vol Update:2024-03-12 13:35:38
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Basic information
CN Name Bitbank交易所 English name Bitbank
Other names Bitbank Platform Coin
Live Chat Support
Support Email Support@Bitbank.com
Company Behind bitbank,inc
Social Accounts
Service Charge
Spot/Crypto Trading Fees 0.02% - 0.12%
Futures/Contract Trading Fees 0% - 0%
Leveraged Loan Fee
C2C/Fiat Trading Fees
VIP fee 暂无
See for more rates. https://bitbank.cc/docs/fees/
Comprehensive Introduction

Bitbank Exchange is a Japanese-based Bitcoin exchange that provides professional trading for those looking to trade, with the utmost consideration for the security of virtual currencies. Bitbank utilizes offline cold wallets, employs Multisig to thwart hackers, and utilizes high technology to safeguard your assets.

Bitbank Exchange Features

1. Cost-Effective and Fast: It allows for cross-regional and cross-platform transactions and transfers from any Internet-connected device at low or even zero cost.

2. Privacy and Security: It is a scientific crystallization based on digital and cryptographic principles, fully safeguarding the owners personal privacy and capital safety.

3. Wealth Management Services: Offering wealth management services based on its currency attributes, including demand deposits, fixed-term deposits, and providing considerable returns.

Bitbank Exchange Mission & Vision


To distribute all value globally through Bitcoin technology.


To realize an open and fair society.

Cryptocurrency assets like Bitcoin are the ultimate "open" and "fair" form of value that anyone can participate in and utilize, free from control by privileged individuals and without forced implementation. The internet made them possible in the realm of information, but Bitcoin-related technology that can circulate any value will take society further. We hope to help realize the ultimate aspiration of a society where everyone is free.

Development History