$5.25亿 ≈1015.22 BTC
Rank: No.21
24h Vol Update:2024-03-12 13:33:13
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Spot / Fiat Currency
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Basic information
CN Name Bitso交易所 English name Bitso
Other names Bitso Platform Coin
Live Chat Support
Support Email 暂无
Company Behind Nvio Pagos Argentina SAS
Social Accounts
Service Charge
Spot/Crypto Trading Fees 0.04% - 0.098%
Futures/Contract Trading Fees 0.0% - 0.0%
Leveraged Loan Fee
C2C/Fiat Trading Fees
VIP fee Rate discount based on the total transaction volume in the past 30 days
See for more rates. https://bitso.com/fees
Comprehensive Introduction

Bitso is a Mexican Bitcoin exchange that offers traditional currency trading services and uses the Ripple network to validate transactions. It has launched BitsoPay, an e-commerce platform for merchants that supports instant payments, transaction reversals, and chargebacks.

Bitso is committed to developing efficient financial services in Mexico, offering traditional currency trading services and utilizing the Ripple network for transaction validation. It has introduced the BitsoPay system, an e-commerce platform for merchants that supports instant payments, transaction reversals, and chargebacks.

Bitso is a digital exchange platform (Exchange) NOT an investment, it provides security and allows users to buy and sell digital currencies between each other.

Users place buy and sell orders on the Bitso marketplace, where they are matched with other users looking to buy or sell.

Bitso exchange has no control over the current prices of digital currencies. These prices are determined by supply and demand.

Advantages of Bitso Exchange

Simple and Easy to Use

Top up your account at convenience stores. Over 135,000 locations throughout Mexico.

Instant Funds and Withdrawals

Send and receive funds between your Bitso account and your bank in seconds with zero fees.


We follow the best security practices and procedures in the industry.

Useful API

Build Bitcoin applications in Mexico using Bitsos powerful API set.

Multi-Signature Wallets

All of Bitsos wallets are multi-signature, meaning the highest level of security for your Bitcoins.

Development History