$4.82亿 ≈933.2 BTC
Rank: No.68
24h Vol Update:2024-03-12 13:37:00
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Spot / Fiat Currency
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Basic information
CN Name MAX交易所 English name MAX
Other names MAX Platform Coin
Live Chat Support
Support Email max@maicoin.com
Company Behind 暂无
Social Accounts
Service Charge
Spot/Crypto Trading Fees 0.05% - 0.15%
Futures/Contract Trading Fees 0.0% - 0.0%
Leveraged Loan Fee
C2C/Fiat Trading Fees
VIP fee 根据VIP等级进行手续费折扣
See for more rates. https://max.maicoin.com/fees
Comprehensive Introduction

MAX Exchange offers spot trading with fees ranging from 0.05% to 0.15%. Headquartered in Taiwan, MAX provides both fiat and crypto trading, and also collaborates with banks to offer fiat trust services. MAX is a secure, convenient, and truly community-oriented exchange!

MAX is dedicated to building a "truly community-oriented exchange" that supports its community members, including Makers, Takers, and Holders. Initially, the exchange will retain 20% of the trading fees and utilize a maximum of 80% to support MAX Token and its community. The token distribution will be adjusted based on current market conditions.

Developed by the MaiCoin team, MAX is a digital asset exchange that allows all market participants to trade digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin using Taiwan Dollars.

MAX prioritizes the security of your assets. Users Taiwan Dollar assets are entrusted to KGI Bank, while digital currencies are secured through offline storage.

MAX is comprised of a team of top engineers, cybersecurity experts, and dedicated customer support personnel. Our top priority is to ensure the security of user assets and provide a trustworthy and secure platform for digital asset trading.

MAX Exchanges Mission

Empowering individuals with decentralized consensus technology. MAX aims to provide a fast and secure trading platform with a matching system that offers equal power to both buyers and sellers, giving you full control over your asset flow.

MAXs purpose is to empower users with complete financial autonomy. MAX believes in a future world with an open financial system. With virtual currencies, we believe the worlds economy will become more free and create more opportunities.

MAX is committed to bridging the gap between traditional centralized financial flows and virtual currencies, providing world-class virtual asset trading services.

MAX Exchange Fees

MAX uses a Maker-Taker pricing model to calculate trading fees.

Limit orders that are not immediately filled are added to the order book, increasing market depth. When a match is successful, a Maker fee is charged for the order.

Limit orders and market orders that are immediately filled are not added to the order book, which reduces market depth. When a match is successful, a Taker fee is charged for the order.

Maker fee: "0.05%" of the transaction amount, currently charged for crypto-to-crypto trading, and will be charged for Taiwan Dollar trading starting at 12:00 PM, May 2nd, 2019.

Taker fee: "0.15%" of the transaction amount, currently charged for crypto-to-crypto trading, and will be charged for Taiwan Dollar trading starting at 12:00 PM, May 2nd, 2019.

Development History